JOIN US THIS SUNDAY – Master Plan Options Review and Pop Up Nature Playground with Twirl!
After a year of public meets, individual outreach and a load of hard work from our team we are finally ready to reveal some of the master planning options for Rio Fernando Park.
We are zeroing in on a final master plan – but we need your help.
Please join us this Sunday, July 1, 2018 from 2-4 pm at 410 La Posta Road in the center of Taos to review and give feedback on design options for the new Rio Fernando Park. We wouldn’t have gotten this far without the help of the community and now we need to the community to help us finish up.
“We want our community to come help make the Rio Fernando Park their playground. This is an opportunity to check out the land, give feedback on the preliminary master plan,” says Juniper Manley, Associate Director of the Taos Land Trust.

The future Rio Fernando Park is a 20-acre parcel owned by the Taos Land Trust in Taos, New Mexico. Located one mile from the center of downtown, the property contains 7 acres of wetlands that hug the Rio Fernando de Taos. This wetland connects to a broader wetland, spilling out into the adjacent Fred Baca public park and downstream to the Rio Pueblo that feeds the Rio Grande. The remainder of the property has approximately 13 acres of urban forest and land once used for agriculture and ranching.
And the Taos Land Trust is turning it into a public park!

“This event will bring community members together to review and comment on preliminary master plan designs for the Rio Fernando Park. Community input and support is central to the rehabilitation and revitalization of the Taos Land Trust’s property, which will provide a unique intersection of wild habitat, recreational space, and traditional agricultural heritage,” says Amy Bell of Groundworks Studio, the team leader of the Taos Land Trust’s planning efforts.
Twirl, the now famous Taos toy store (which is way much more than just a toy store) has partnered with us to have a Pop-Up Nature Playground available for kids of all ages on Sunday. Come and tour the whole park and then get down to some fun play time with the haybales, cardboard, rollers and…a whole bunch of other fun stuff.

“Bring the kids to create their own Pop-up Playground with the creative inspiration of our friends at Twirl Play and Discovery Space,” says Manley.

When: Sunday July 1st from 2-4 PM
Where: Rio Fernando Park, Taos Land Trust, 410 La Posta Rd Taos, NM
(alternate entrance near the nature trail at Fred Baca Park)
This event is free to all! For additional information email or call 575.751.3138