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A Heartfelt Message from our Executive Director

Did you know that the average American child spends just 4 – 7 minutes a day playing outdoors? It’s true. Even in places like Taos, kids are spending much of their time inside. The average American child spends just four to seven minutes a day playing outdoors and up to...
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Want to Help Redesign Paseo del Pueblo Sur in Taos?

The Town of Taos and NM DOT are asking for community input! Paseo del Pueblo Sur from La Posta to Cid’s and then back down Camino de la Placita is being redesigned, and three options have been created. Please take a minute and review this PowerPoint presentation that covers the project, and...
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Help Taos Land Trust Plan a New Trails Infrastructure and Community Conservation Plan for Taos County and the Enchanted Circle Region

Recently, Taos Land Trust developed a partnership with the Trust for Public Land. The two organizations will develop a Taos Community Conservation Plan and an Enchanted Circle Trails and Parks master plan , which is GIS-based or map-based process that helps communities prioritize their conservation strategies around open space preservation, acequia and farm...
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Millennials on the Land

An Emerging Group of Young People Want to be Farmers. Why? And How?American farmers are growing older. Their land? It switches hands more and more with a mix of development and corporate prowess. But a growing number of millennials — those 20-somethings and 30-somethings just launching into a vastly changing...
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Thinking Like a Watershed

Taos communities pull together for bigger and better management of our life-giving landscapes Aldo Leopold spent some time in Taos County, in the Tres Piedras area of Carson National Forest. He was the one who penned that iconic conservationist motto, “Think like a mountain.” But some folks in Taos County...
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