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Youth Conservation Corps: Now Recruiting

This is the time of year when we start dreaming about summer gardens, agricultural projects and land improvements. It’s also the season when we begin recruiting for one of our most cherished programs—the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC). Did you know that every summer, a group of committed young people from...
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NEW VIDEO: Taos Land Trust Garden Box Tips and Tricks

In the summer of 2020, the Taos Land Trust, in collaboration with community partners, built and distributed 80+ planting-ready 4×8 garden boxes – complete with soil, irrigation equipment, hoop house coverings, and seed – to families in our community. In 2021, we distributed 60 more of these boxes around the...
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Vista Grande Gardens at Rio Fernando Park

It’s another unusually hot July day in Taos. The air is humid, for New Mexico. Dark, monsoonal clouds gather over Taos Mountain. Harvest is underway in the gardens at Rio Fernando Park.  “After this summer, I feel like I could run my own garden,” says Nick Lujan, Youth Conservation Corps...
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