Christmas Bird Count Results for Rio Fernando Park
On a very cold December 18, 2018 our buddies Steve Knox and Robert Templeton lead a group of volunteers through Rio Fernando Park as part of the annual Christmas Bird Count. The crew reported 143 individuals of 10 different species on their brief pass through the area.

As you already know we have an impressive number of birds and species coming through the park during the year. Fred Baca Park, immediately adjacent to Rio Fernando Park, is considered one of the top birding sites in our part of the state. It wont be too long before, thanks in part to our restoration work on the property, Rio Fernando Park will be considered one of the premier birding sites too!
Listen to our conversation with Steve and Robert on our podcast – What is so interesting about birds, anyway?

Here are the results from the 2018 Christmas Bird Count at Rio Fernando Park in Taos, New Mexico:
- Eurasian collard dove – 16
- Northern flicker – 2
- Black-billed magpie – 3
- American crow – 85
- Common raven – 1
- Black-capped chickadee – 1
- American robin – 16
- European starling – 13
- Cedar waxwing – 5
- Song sparrow – 1

We will have an update on the restoration work coming up soon!
Happy New Year all!