Vince Lucero – Photo by Jim O’Donnell
We are always in need of volunteers with a variety of skills to help with everything from completing conservation easements and annual field monitoring to helping us stuff envelopes for fundraising activities.
Become a Volunteer Land Monitor
As part of our long-term commitment to land conservation, Taos Land Trust conducts annual stewardship monitoring trips to every one of our conservation easements around northern New Mexico. This is an excellent opportunity for volunteers to get out into the field on some of the most beautiful landscapes in the area and learn more about the work we do.
We will train you in basic monitoring protocols and send you out on your first couple of trips with a staff member, board member, or experienced volunteer monitor.
Volunteer as an Advisor
If you have a particular expertise in land conservation, biology, geology, natural history, survey or mapping, etc., we welcome your help on other field projects.
Volunteer in our Office
Or, if you prefer the glamorous work of stuffing envelopes or helping with office tasks, we can always find a place for you!
Call our office at 575.751.3138 or use our contact form to sign up as a volunteer. Indicate how you’d like to volunteer your services in the subject and message section of the of the form.